Established in 2013, the ACU Law – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Equity Scholarship is intended to assist students from Aboriginal and Torres Stra...
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (GDLP) Indigenous Scholarship
Scholarship details
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the Bond University GDLP Indigenous Scholarship, applicants must:
Be Australian citizens who are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent (as defined by ABSTUDY).
Have completed a Bachelor of Laws or Juris Doctor at a recognized Australian tertiary institution; and
Be enrolled in the Online Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice.
How to Apply
Completed scholarship applications must include:
A current resume;
Evidence of Aboriginality (e.g. a Certificate of Aboriginality; a letter of reference from an Indigenous community organisation, elder, or leader; or proven eligibility for ABSTUDY); and
A 300-500 word statement explaining how you meet the selection criteria listed below.
Further Information
Selection Criteria:
Demonstrated academic ability;
Demonstrated commitment to engaging with and serving the Indigenous community;
Demonstrated evidence of the scholarship’s positive impact.