Gadigal Accommodation Scholarship

This scholarship subsidises rent at available University owned student accommodation.

The value of this scholarship varies each year. It is paid directly to the accommodation provider to reduce weekly rental payments. The award is not redeemable as a cash payment.

The number of scholarships offered will vary each year depending on funding. The scholarship only covers students in their first year of study. This scholarship is subsidy only and successful students are still required to make a contribution to their accommodation fees.

Scholarship details

Value: Value may vary

Duration: 1 Year

Application dates


Close: 30/01/2025


This scholarship is for:

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants
High school leavers

Areas of study:

  • Any Area of Study

At Institution:

  • University of Sydney

Study level:

  • Undergraduate

Study Load:

  • Full Time


  • NSW

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must:
Be a full-time student;
Be a commencing school leaver;
Identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person as defined in the University of Sydney’s Confirmation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Identity Policy 2015.

Note: Requests to hold the scholarship part-time will only be approved under exceptional circumstances. Such requests must be approved by Student Accommodation Services.

Further Information

The value of this scholarship varies each year. It is paid directly to resident’s rent at University owned accommodation to reduce weekly rental payments. The award is not redeemable as a cash payment.

Additional benefits include: no application fee, bond waived, start-up bursary valued at $1000, catered and self-catered options available, Queen Mary Building has a dedicated wing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.