The GSF has a wide range of Bursaries including the Calleo Indigenous Bursary for direct descendants of Indigenous Australian servicemen or women. Indigenous A...
Aboriginal Transition Grant
The Aboriginal Transition Grant recognises and encourages students who have completed UniSA’s Aboriginal Pathway Program (APP) to transition to undergraduate studies in UniSA.
Scholarship details
Application dates
Open all year round
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
This grant is open to all Aboriginal Pathway Program (APP) students either full-time or part-time who will complete APP in the current year and enrol in an undergraduate program in UniSA in the immediate subsequent year. The grant is also open to students who have completed APP in the current year and commenced study in an undergraduate program.
How to Apply
Students are not required to apply for the grant. UniSA College will identify the eligible students and advise the Scholarships Office. The Scholarships Office will offer the grant if there is proven current or future enrolment.