The Australian Academy of Law offers the Australian Academy of Law First Nations Scholarship tenable in the applicable year for a First Nations final year law ...
Aunty Pamela Mam Indigenous Nursing Scholarship
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial support to a deserving Indigenous undergraduate student who is commencing in the Bachelor of Nursing at Griffith University. Maximum value is $6,000 payable in instalments. ATSICHS will also sponsor attendance at one CATSINAM conference.
Scholarship details
Application dates
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible you must:
- be an Australian citizen;
- be of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander heritage;
- be a first-year commencing student;
- have applied for or be intending to enrol full-time in Griffith’s Bachelor of Nursing program in the upcoming Trimester.
How to Apply
To be considered for this scholarship you must complete the following sections within the application:
Study Details
Program preferences;
Personal statement:
- Community involvement: Outline your involvement in the local community;
- Scholarship benefit: detail how this scholarship will support you during your nursing studies and the extent to which the scholarship would make an impact on your life.
* Applicants meeting this initial scholarship criteria will be contacted by email following the closing date of this scholarship to provide a further personal statement.
As this scholarship is designed to support the skills development and career pathways for Indigenous people, you will be contacted to address the following:
- your potential to significantly benefit from this scholarship and how it will strengthen your development and further your skills and career;
- how you will contribute to the development and diversity of our Indigenous community;
- how you intend to work toward or build on a sustainable career path.
To apply click here.
Further Information
Maximum value is $6,000 paid in instalments. Instalments of $1,000 are payable for each full-time enrolled trimester up to maximum value of the scholarship or minimum duration of the program, whichever is the lesser.