The Joseph Epstein Scholarship for Indigenous Advanced Emergency Medicine Trainees (the scholarship) was established in 2013 by Foundation Fellow of the Colleg...
Commonwealth Indigenous Access Scholarship
Commonwealth Indigenous Access Scholarship:
A scholarship provided by the Australian Government to assist Indigenous students with the costs of studying at university.
Scholarship details
Application dates
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for this Scholarship, you must:
– be an Australian citizen;
– be commencing full-time studies in a Monash Enabling program;
– be an Australian citizen;
– be commencing full-time studies in a Monash Enabling program;
– have a low income and;
– be able to provide a Confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Heritage certificate or a certified Statutory Declaration form to the William Cooper Institute. This can be emailed to
Further Information
Selection criteria:
Awarded based on need.
Awarded based on need.