Commonwealth Indigenous Scholarships

There are two forms of Commonwealth Scholarships:
– Commonwealth Indigenous Accommodation Scholarships (5 on offer) and;
– Commonwealth Indigenous Education Costs Scholarships (7 on offer).
These scholarships are funded through the Indigenous Student Success Program, which is provided by the Commonwealth of Australia. If you will be receiving support from other sources you should check with that authority before applying for a Commonwealth Indigenous Scholarship from SCU. You are only permitted to receive one education cost scholarship and one accommodation scholarship at any one time (January to June / July to December). If you have concerns please contact the Scholarships office to discuss further. 

Scholarship details

Value: $32,000 approx. total

Availability: 5 scholarships offered

Application dates

Closing Soon

Close: 11/03/2025


Open: 08/07/2025


This scholarship is for:

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants

Areas of study:

  • Any Area of Study

At Institution:

  • Southern Cross University

Study level:

  • Undergraduate
  • Postgraduate coursework
  • Postgraduate research

Study Load:

  • Full Time


  • NSW
  • QLD

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for these Scholarships, you must:
– be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, identify as such and be accepted as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander in the community in which you live or have lived;
– be studying any course or degree.
– be studying a minimum of 96 credit points in a calendar year for the full value of the scholarship – value will be pro-rate for enrolments of lesser value. A minimum annual enrolment applies of 48 credit points and;
– be experiencing financial hardship.
You cannot apply for this Scholarship if:
– if you receive CIAS funding such as Relocation Scholarship from Centrelink, Residential Costs Option (RCO) under the ABSTUDY scheme from Centrelink, or any other Scholarship Type B – Accommodation Scholarship funded through Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) with any other institution, organisation or government department.
In the case of CIECS, you must not receive this scholarship at the same time as being paid a Student Start-up Scholarship from Centrelink or any other Scholarship Type A – Education Cost Scholarship funded through Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) with any other institution, organisation or government department. 

How to Apply

Please apply through SCU’s Scholarship Portal, found here.