The Teachers of STEM Initiative™ is an innovative initiative focusing on supporting First Nations female tertiary students to secure a STEM qualification as ...
D. C. Cruickshank Family Scholarship
Mrs Shirley Cruickshank has donated an initial sum of $21,000 to The University of Western Australia to establish a fund to provide a scholarship for a meritorious young Indigenous woman who is experiencing financial hardship, to encourage her to pursue a full-time undergraduate degree course at the University.
Scholarship details
Application dates
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to apply for a scholarship an applicant must:
Be female;
Be an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander;
Be a resident in Western Australia;
Demonstrate financial hardship;
Be a commencing student;
Not have reached the age of 21 by 1 March of the year prior to that for which application for entry to the University is made;
Students of Presbyterian Ladies’ College (PLC) that meet the eligibility criteria may be nominated by the School Principal.
Be female;
Be an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander;
Be a resident in Western Australia;
Demonstrate financial hardship;
Be a commencing student;
Not have reached the age of 21 by 1 March of the year prior to that for which application for entry to the University is made;
Students of Presbyterian Ladies’ College (PLC) that meet the eligibility criteria may be nominated by the School Principal.
How to Apply
1. If there is no eligible student at PLC, the School of Indigenous Studies advertises the scholarship during second semester for award the following year.
2. Applications must be made using the application form available from the School of Indigenous Studies, and submitted to the School by the advertised closing date.
Further Information
Selection criteria:
Academic achievement: determined by the applicants’ Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (‘ATAR’) or equivalent ATAR as determined by the University.
Academic achievement: determined by the applicants’ Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (‘ATAR’) or equivalent ATAR as determined by the University.
The scholarship may be held concurrently with any other scholarship or award, except other industry-funded scholarships, provided that this is permitted by the conditions of the concurrent scholarship or award.