Australian Academy of Law First Nations Scholarship

The Australian Academy of Law offers the Australian Academy of Law First Nations Scholarship tenable in the applicable year for a First Nations final year law student studying for the LLB or JD or combined Law degree at any Australian law school, or the Diploma in Law through the NSW Law Extension Committee (LEC).
The successful recipient may have the opportunity of being mentored for up to a year by an AAL Fellow.

Scholarship details

Value: $6,000 approx. total

Duration: 1 Year

Availability: 1 scholarship offered

Application dates

Closing Soon

Close: 28/03/2025


This scholarship is for:

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants
Academic merit

Areas of study:

  • Law and paralegal studies

At Institution:

Any in Australia

Study level:

  • Undergraduate
  • Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma
  • Postgraduate coursework
  • Postgraduate research

Study Load:

  • Full Time
  • Part Time


  • ACT
  • NSW
  • NT
  • SA
  • QLD
  • TAS
  • VIC
  • WA

Eligibility Criteria

Selection Criteria:
– Academic ability and likelihood of success;
– Not normally in receipt of any other substantial scholarship or award and;
– Proposed post-graduation career path evincing a commitment to the law and/or legal practice.


How to Apply

Interested applicants should contact their respective Law Deans to seek to be nominated. They must provide their academic transcripts, CVs, Personal Statement of no more than 500 words and a list of their existing sources of financial sponsorship (if any).

Applications based on the following criteria should be submitted by the closing date to the AAL Secretariat at

Selection Criteria:

​​​​​​​- academic ability and likelihood of success;
– not normally in receipt of any other substantial scholarship or award and;
– proposed post-graduate career path evincing a commitment to the law and/or legal practice.