The Eucharistic Community is the Australian Community of an international Roman Catholic Congregation of Religious Sisters. We are called “EucharisticR...
Indigenous Student Laptop Scholarship
Moondani Toombadool Centre will be supporting Indigenous undergraduate or postgraduate students with a Lenovo Notebook to assist with their course as they commence their 1st or 2nd year at Swinburne. Succussful students will be awarded a Lenovo Thinkpad L390.
Scholarship details
Application dates
Open all year round
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for this scholarship, you must:
– confirm you are Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander heritage by submitting a Confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Heritage certificate (COA) with their scholarship application or a certified Statutory Declaration (Stat Dec) declaring that the individual applying for the scholarship is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, and/or is accepted as such by the community in which you live, or formerly lived.
– be enrolled 1st or 2nd year Swinburne student in the applicable year;
– enrolled full-time in an eligible course.
– provide evidence of financial hardship such as; healthcare card, Youth Allowance, Newstart Allowance, Austudy, Abstudy, Disability Support Pension and Carer’s Payment.
How to Apply
Submit a personal statement (300 words) addressing how this scholarship will assist you.
Applicants should complete an online application form, found here, and submit with all supporting documentation.