Iberdrola Australia’s First Nations Scholarship program supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to study in renewable energy related fiel...
Julia Konig Bequest Award for Indigenous Students
The late Julia Nora Konig made a bequest of the residue of her estate to the University of Adelaide to be disbursed for the benefit of Indigenous Australians – the scholarship will be awarded to the highest-ranking eligible applicant in the Major Round.
Scholarship details
Application dates
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at https://scholarships.adelaide.edu.au/Scholarships/postgraduate-research/all-faculties/julia-konig-bequest-award-indigenous-students
Eligibility Criteria
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students undertaking postgraduate studies on a full time basis by coursework or research towards the degrees of Master or Doctor of Philosophy shall be eligible to apply.
How to Apply
Please submit an online application form.