Koiki Eddie Mabo Scholarship

This scholarship fund was established in 2001 by Dr Roger Riordan AM in memory of Koiki Eddie Mabo. The aim is to provide a scholarship fund that can be used for the purpose of assisting any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student who is studying in the College of Health Medicine and Wellbeing.

Scholarship details

Value: Value may vary

Duration: Duration of the program

Application dates

Closing Soon

Close: 03/03/2025


This scholarship is for:

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants

Areas of study:

  • Medicine

At Institution:

  • University of Newcastle

Study level:

  • Undergraduate

Study Load:

  • Full Time


  • Overseas

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for this scholarship:
– be enrolled in any year of an undergraduate program within the College of Health Medicine and Wellbeing;
– be enrolled full-time;
– demonstrate academic progress by the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) or equivalent required for entry for commencing students, or a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0 for continuing students;
– Establish your Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identity and heritage with the university and;
– not be the recipient of another University of Newcastle donor-funded or sponsored scholarship concurrently. 

How to Apply

Your application will need:
– a personal statement (approximately 1 page) outlining your academic achievements, career aspirations in the relevant area of study, and how this scholarship will assist you. This statement will cover all scholarships you are submitting for and;
– the application will include a question asking you to briefly outline (1-2 paragraphs) how you will contribute to improving Aboriginal health as a qualified practitioner.