NSW Aboriginal Nursing and Midwifery Undergraduate Scholarship program administered by NSW Health

Connection to culture is central to the health and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Scholarships are available to assist your dream of giving back to and caring for your community. With financial support provided by NSW Health, you can focus on your studies and continue your journey to becoming a nurse or midwife.

Scholarships of up to $1,000 per subject are available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students undertaking a Bachelor of Nursing or Bachelor of Midwifery.

Scholarship details

Value: Value may vary

Duration: Duration of the program

Application dates


Close: 04/02/2024


This scholarship is for:

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants

Areas of study:

  • Nursing

At Institution:

Any in Australia

Study level:

  • Undergraduate
  • Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma

Study Load:

  • Full Time
  • Part Time


  • NT
  • SA
  • QLD
  • TAS
  • VIC
  • WA
  • ACT
  • NSW

Eligibility Criteria

To apply, you, you must be:
an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person
known and accepted in the community that you live or have lived
a resident of NSW
enrolled in an Australian Bachelor of Nursing or Bachelor of Midwifery degree
willing to participate in an evaluation or telephone survey about the Aboriginal scholarships program
You aren’t eligible for this scholarship if you’re currently on a NSW Health Aboriginal Nursing and Midwifery Cadetship.

How to Apply

You must complete an Online application form and provide:

confirmation of Aboriginality
For a clear guide on what you need to confirm your Aboriginality visit Stepping Up-Aboriginality

official confirmation of enrolment in an Australian undergraduate nursing or midwifery course that is accredited under the NSW Higher Education Act (2001). This document must include:
your name
the name of the course
the year of study
a list of the subjects you have enrolled in
If your enrolment confirmation is unavailable at the time of application, please provide a brief letter indicating your intention to enrol and forward your enrolment confirmation as soon as possible so that your application can be progressed. Generic information about course subjects will not be accepted.
an essay of no more than 500 words explaining:
why you want to be a nurse or midwife
why it’s important to have Aboriginal people working as nurses or midwives
how this scholarship will help you to complete your undergraduate nursing or midwifery studies
If you received an undergraduate scholarship in the past from the NSW Nursing and Midwifery Scholarship Fund, you also need to provide a copy of results.