RPCA offers 50 complimentary full registrations to attend its three-day annual scientific conference, Pathology Update 2025. Applications are open to all stude...
Pathways Psychology Institute - Indigenous Scholarships
Pathways Psychology Institute will be offering Scholarship positions in the applicable year to their Graduate Diploma course for Indigenous students.
Scholarship details
Application dates
Open all year round
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at https://www.pathwayspsychology.com.au/applications
Eligibility Criteria
Students must have reliable access to Internet and capacity to residential held in Galston NSW. Students are responsible for costs of own travel to and from classes and residentials, textbook and food at residentials (as well as the capacity to be able to make a contribution towards accommodation for the duration of the residentials if required).
How to Apply
All new scholarship applications must include a completed General Course Application form, a completed AVETMISS application form, the relevant Scholarship application form and any required supporting documents. Applications to be emailed to info@pathwayspsychology.com.au