This PhD scholarship is based in a specialist metabolic program exclusively for adults of Aboriginal background provided within Tharawal Aboriginal Medical Ser...
RANZCR Annual Indigenous Scholarship
This scholarship is open to applicants in Australia and New Zealand. The purpose of the RANZCR Annual Indigenous Scholarship is to attract doctors who identify as being either of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or Maori heritage to one of the RANZCR training programs, and to support these trainees during their studies in either clinical radiology or radiation oncology.
Scholarship details
Application dates
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
Applications will be considered from applicants who:
Identify as and are able to confirm their Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status;
A trainee member of the RANZCR or a doctor who has applied to, and been accepted on, one of RANZCR’s training programs
Identify as and are able to confirm their Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status;
A trainee member of the RANZCR or a doctor who has applied to, and been accepted on, one of RANZCR’s training programs
Further Information
The Scholarship can be used towards a RANZCR Indigenous trainee’s expenses for educational activities such as training fees, exam sitting fees, training workshop or conference attendances, research projects, or other professional development activities deemed appropriate by RANZCR, or for an Indigenous doctor who has applied to and been accepted onto the RANZCR training program.