Riawunna Access Bursary

These bursaries are awarded annually by the Riawunna Centre, which provides a culturally welcoming space for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to meet, study and access academic and pastoral support and assistance.

Scholarship details

Value: $1,000 approx. total

Duration: 1 Semester

Application dates


Open: 31/08/2024
Close: 31/10/2024

Opening Soon

Open: 31/10/2025
Close: 31/08/2025


This scholarship is for:

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants
Financial equity
High school leavers

Areas of study:

  • Any Area of Study

At Institution:

  • University of Tasmania

Study level:

  • Postgraduate coursework
  • Postdoctoral
  • Undergraduate
  • Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma

Study Load:

  • Full Time
  • Part Time


  • TAS

Eligibility Criteria

Available to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students who are commencing or continuing study at the University of Tasmania in the upcoming semester. Selection will be based on demonstration of financial need. Engaging with the Riawunna Centre, including participating in and attending Riawunna activities and events is a condition of this award as is providing a short written report at the end of each study period to the Centre’s Head of Service.

IMPORTANT: Applicants who apply for this bursary MUST meet the Commonwealth definition of Aboriginality to be eligible. The Commonwealth definition of who is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person is as follows: – is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent; – who identifies as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person; and – is accepted as such by the community in which he/she lives.

How to Apply

Apply online prior to closing date. Applications cannot be submitted after closing date. As applicants will be assessed on the quality of application, all questions should be answered in full. Please ensure care is taken with spelling and grammar.