Ron Clarke Griffith Brighter Futures Scholarship

Commonwealth Games Australia (CGA) wishes to acknowledge and honour the memory of Ron Clarke AO MBE, by establishing the Ron Clarke Griffith Futures Scholarship.

The scholarship is to support an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples student who is an elite athlete competing in a Commonwealth Games sport.

Scholarship details

Value: $44,000 approx. total

Duration: Duration of the program

Availability: 1 scholarship offered

Application dates


Close: 18/03/2023


This scholarship is for:

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants
Financial equity
Academic merit

Areas of study:

  • Any Area of Study

At Institution:

  • Griffith University

Study level:

  • Undergraduate

Study Load:

  • Part Time
  • Full Time


  • ACT
  • NSW
  • NT
  • SA
  • QLD
  • TAS
  • VIC
  • WA

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for this scholarship, you must be:
– Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
– a Griffith undergraduate student (this includes school leavers and non-school leavers, commencing and continuing students)
– an elite athlete competing in a Commonwealth Games sport and be a member of Griffith Sports College or be eligible and have applied for membership
– experiencing financial hardship and/or educational disadvantage. 
Preference will be given to students or alumni from the Clontarf Foundation (male) and the Stars Foundation (female).
You may be asked to provide a Confirmation of Heritage.

How to Apply

To be considered for this scholarship you must complete the following sections within the application:

Study details:
Secondary education history and;
Program preferences; or
Program details (continuing students only).

Leadership and community – indicate that you are or have been a member of either The Clontarf Foundation or The Stars Foundation;
Sports participation – are you an elite athlete? Sport?

Personal background:
Income and expenditure

Personal statements:
Career goals and aims;
Scholarship benefit: How will the scholarship make your goals possible?
Experiences: outline your sporting achievements either in this section or attach a document as below;
Other comments: any additional information.

You must upload the following in the supporting documentation section (Please use only the following formats- pdf, word, jpeg or excel. We can only guarantee these formats will be accepted):
Please upload a comprehensive date-ordered list (showing 2022 first in the list and going backwards, that is, 2020, 2019, 2018) of your sporting achievements, including times and placing/ranking.

You can choose to add copies of your most outstanding sporting certificates/awards/copies of media articles that make you stand out in your chosen sport.