This Scholarship provides encouragement, financial support and resources to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander tertiary students to enable them to achiev...
Ron Clarke Griffith Brighter Futures Scholarship
The scholarship is to support an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples student who is an elite athlete competing in a Commonwealth Games sport.
Scholarship details
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
How to Apply
Study details:
Secondary education history and;
Program preferences; or
Program details (continuing students only).
Leadership and community – indicate that you are or have been a member of either The Clontarf Foundation or The Stars Foundation;
Sports participation – are you an elite athlete? Sport?
Personal background:
Income and expenditure
Personal statements:
Career goals and aims;
Scholarship benefit: How will the scholarship make your goals possible?
Experiences: outline your sporting achievements either in this section or attach a document as below;
Other comments: any additional information.
You must upload the following in the supporting documentation section (Please use only the following formats- pdf, word, jpeg or excel. We can only guarantee these formats will be accepted):
Please upload a comprehensive date-ordered list (showing 2022 first in the list and going backwards, that is, 2020, 2019, 2018) of your sporting achievements, including times and placing/ranking.
You can choose to add copies of your most outstanding sporting certificates/awards/copies of media articles that make you stand out in your chosen sport.