The Indigenous Time at Sea Scholarship offers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander university students the opportunity to join voyages of RV Investigator.
Science & Engineering Rob Riley Memorial Scholarship
Rob Riley was a prominent Aboriginal activist and community leader who tirelessly advocated for social justice for Aboriginal people in Australia. Over his life, Rob held many influential roles such as CEO of the WA Aboriginal Legal Service, Chairperson of the National Aboriginal Council and was a senior advisor to the Federal Minister for Aboriginal Affairs.
The purpose of the Science & Engineering Rob Riley Memorial Scholarship is to honour the memory of Rob Riley by supporting and encouraging Indigenous students in science and engineering undergraduate studies.
Scholarship details
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at!/?page=1&perPage=10&filters=Demographic:ABORIGINAL
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must meet ALL of the following criteria to be eligible:
Be an Indigenous Australian;
Commencing the 1st year of their degree in semester 1, 2022;
Not currently hold any other scholarship (Commonwealth Education Costs and Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarships are excepted).
How to Apply
See Curtin’s online application form.