The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Indigenous Health Committee in conjunction with the Foundation for Surgery is offering up to three scholarships to as...
SHQ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medical Education Scholarship
SHQ recognises that to achieve health equality more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are needed in the health workforce. To work towards this SHQ would like to offer a scholarship to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Doctor and nurse per year to participate in one of our Certificate Programs:
– Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health for Medical Practitioners
– Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health (Nursing)
This scholarship will cover the full cost of the course whilst other costs such as travel, meals, accommodation, etc. needs to be met by the participant.
The scholarship is only available to clinicians that work in WA.
Scholarship details
Application dates
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
The scholarship is available to nurses who have at least one year post registration experience.
Doctors must have their own medical indemnity insurance.
Both Doctors and nurse applicants must be registered with AHPRA and work in WA.
How to Apply
Application form is available on the website.
Complete application and submit to relevant email, on submission the applicant will be informed of the date they will be informed of the outcome.