Established in 2005 and sponsored by the Broken Bay Central Council of the St Vincent de Paul Society, this scholarship aims to increase the number of Aborigin...
St Vincent de Paul Broken Bay Scholarship
Established in 2005 and sponsored by the Broken Bay Central Council of the St Vincent de Paul Society, this scholarship aims to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander graduates in professional fields who have the potential and desire to influence better lifestyle choices and living conditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Those awarded are also eligible for discounted accommodation fees valued at $5,000 at Miguel Cordero Residence.
Scholarship details
Application dates
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
This scholarship is open to applicants who meet all the following criteria by the application close date:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students;
Faculty: Education and Arts;
Course: ACU Education degree;
Campus: Strathfield.
How to Apply
With your application, please provide:
A written statement of approximately 200 words outlining:
– why you have chosen to undertake your degree
– what you hope to achieve through your degree in the future
– how obtaining your degree will allow you to give back to your community
Upload Confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status.