The Rhodanthe Lipsett Indigenous Midwifery Charitable Fund Scholarships

The Rhodanthe Lipsett Indigenous Midwifery Charitable Fund provides a number of scholarships each year to support and encourage Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people to undertake their midwifery education and expand their skills and confidence in caring for Indigenous mothers and their infants.

The Fund’s primary goal is to improve the health and well-being of Indigenous women and babies by assisting to increase the number of Indigenous midwives across Australia.

Scholarship details

Value: Value may vary

Duration: 1 Year

Application dates

Closing Soon

Close: 14/04/2025


This scholarship is for:

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants
Academic merit
High school leavers

Areas of study:

  • Nursing

At Institution:

Any in Australia

Study level:

  • Undergraduate
  • Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma
  • Postgraduate coursework
  • Short executive courses
  • Enabling foundation and preparatory courses

Study Load:

  • Full Time


  • NT
  • SA
  • QLD
  • TAS
  • VIC
  • WA
  • ACT
  • NSW

Eligibility Criteria

Evidence of Aboriginality (see guideline notes 1 & 2).
Completed application addressing selection criteria and containing all additional requirements (see how to apply).
Declaration of any funds previously received from the RLIMCF in the two years prior to this application.
Willingness to provide a photograph, profile of yourself and a brief report regarding the scholarship awarded to you, for use by RLIMCF and its sponsors.
Your full name, date of birth, postal address, email and day time contact phone numbers.
Evidence of confirmation of current enrolment (see Guideline Notes 3) in an approved midwifery program in an Australian University.
The applicant must not have received a scholarship from the trust in the past 2 years.