If you are an Indigenous Australian intending to enrol or currently studying in the Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences, you may be eligible for th...
UC Tertiary Continuation Scholarship
This scholarship is funding for over 10 weeks up to 8 semesters to assist Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students with study related expenses.
This scholarship is a continuation of the UC Tertiary Commencement Scholarship – students will automatically receive this scholarship so long as they meet the ongoing eligibility criteria.
$22,000 is paid out as a fortnightly stipend for 8 semesters up to $3000 a semester.
Scholarship details
Application dates
Open all year round
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at https://www.canberra.edu.au/scholarship/uc-tertiary-continuation.html
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for this scholarship, you must:
– be Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander;
– be studying an undergraduate degree;
– be based regionally, rurally or in ACT;
– studying full-time (or part-time with extenuating circumstances).
How to Apply
Please apply through here.