This Scholarship provides encouragement, financial support and resources to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander tertiary students to enable them to achiev...
Vice-Chancellors' Indigenous High Achiever Scholarship
The Vice-Chancellors’ Indigenous High Achiever Scholarship provides financial support to the top Indigenous Northern Territory school leaver, who chooses to study at Charles Darwin University.
Scholarship details
Open all year round
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria of this scholarship before applying.
Must be a resident of the Northern Territory as indicated by their permanent home residence at the time of applying;
Must be enrolled in a Higher Education course at CDU;
Must have the highest ATAR for an Indigenous student;
Must have gained an ATAR in the year prior to commencing study at CDU;
Must be enrolled full-time for the duration of the scholarship – i.e. enrolled in 30 credit points or more in the current semester;
Must complete 75% of their units internally each semester;
Must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or permanent humanitarian visa.
How to Apply
Students are not required to apply for this Scholarship. They will receive email notification if they meet the eligibility criteria above. Scholarships are awarded after the main January offer round.
Students must accept the offer of a Scholarship and enrol in their course of study in Semester 1 of the year of offer. Scholarships cannot be deferred.
Further Information
Students are not required to apply for this Scholarship.