KAMS is a well-established regional Aboriginal community controlled health service, founded in 1986, which provides centralised advocacy and resource support for 6 independent member services, as well as providing direct clinical services in a further 6 remote Aboriginal communities across the region. It has been such a rewarding experience to be hosted by KAMS. My experience at KAMS has been such a great learning curve for me. Since day one I was asked to attend a number of important meetings; from which I was able to absorb loads of interesting information. I was also lucky enough to assist with the Young girl’s dance group that performed at a number of NAIDOC events. Every day at KAMS I was able to learn something new. Since starting my degree, I’ve been very indecisive about what field I want to take up, but being here at KAMS, I was able to conclude the type of Psychologist I want to be – that is – to return home after my studies and work with my people. I would like to thank everyone at KAMS’s SEWB team for giving me such a rewarding experience!