Our Stories
Meet Aurora Mentor Bek McEwan
Meet Aurora Mentor Bek McEwan
For Bek McEwan, working with Aurora to mentor young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students has been an opportunity to strengthen her connection to community and culture, whilst helping to shape and empower the next generation of young Aboriginal people. “I think it’s imperative for Indigenous young people to have access to mentors. Representation is everything. Having young people connected to strong, determined, successful Blak excellence, from a range of fields, disciplines, mobs, families, walks of life… it showcases that they can be whoever, and whatever they set their minds to. And that they have a network of people championing them to get there.”
Bek works with Indigenous high school students in Aurora’s High School Program by supporting them during the academic enrichment camps, helping them to build a core network of Indigenous role models with a range of backgrounds. “I think back to when I was growing up, and I know I would have really benefitted from having access to more strong, successful, and determined Aboriginal mentors in my life. Getting a chance to provide that for someone seemed like a really fulfilling and validating opportunity in my own journey as an Aboriginal person.”
Aurora is one of the only Indigenous education programs in which 100% of mentors are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples who are paid for their time. “I feel genuinely accepted and valued for my contributions working at Aurora. Working for an Indigenous organisation is a special feeling. Cultural safety is so embedded into the organisation, and it makes such a difference.”
Bek has a clear message for anyone considering becoming an Aurora mentor, “I would encourage anyone to become a mentor. The value you will bring to the young kids, as well as the healing, validation, and connections you will build from the experience, it is worth any and all of the work we put in. It is a lot of fun as well!”
If you are interested in becoming an Aurora mentor, click here to find out more.
Representation is everything. Having young people connected to strong, determined, successful Blak excellence, from a range of fields, disciplines, mobs, families, walks of life… it showcases that they can be whoever, and whatever they set their minds to. And that they have a network of people championing them to get there. Bek McEwanAurora Mentor