A full-tuition scholarship for a domestic indigenous student applying for Bachelor degree commencing in February 2024.
2023 Google Future Leaders in Tech Scholarships
The 2023 Google Future Leaders in Tech Scholarship was established to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander undergraduate or Masters students with tech-focus. Google Scholarships provide the opportunity for Indigenous students to access funds to support their studies at universities Australia-wide.
Two scholarships valued at $10,000 will be available.
Scholarship details
Application dates
How to apply
Internally managed. Fill our online form at https://aurorafoundation.com.au/our-work/indigenous-pathways-portal/scholarships/2023-google-future-leaders-in-tech-scholarships/
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria includes:
- Be of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent.
- Identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and be accepted as such by the community in which they live or have lived.
- Provide written confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander heritage.
- Must be 16 years or older at the time they commence their studies.
- Written confirmation of enrolment in an undergraduate degree at an Australian University.
- Must have successfully completed at least one year of full time equivalent undergraduate study in current degree or be enrolled full time in a Masters program in a field relating to the following:
- Information Technology and Information Systems
- Computer Science
- Information Science
- Computer Animation
- Software Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Cybersecurity
- Cloud Computing
- Quantum
- Data Science
- Data Structures
- Algorithms
How to Apply
Please see FAQ for additional required documentation and information here.
Further Information
The Scholarship is awarded to individuals (“Scholars”) as a contribution towards the cost of undertaking tertiary study at Australian universities and may be used for a range of purposes including (but not limited to):
- University fees/Payment of HECS.
- Textbooks and other essential study related equipment.
- Computer hardware, software, and internet.
- Residential school expenses
- Realistic but modest living expenses.
- Other academic and study related resources.
More information see FAQs here.