The Australian Geoscience Council (AGC) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Scholarship is intended to assist First Nations undergraduate students with costs associat...
Fulbright Indigenous Scholarships
This scholarship is for an Indigenous scholar to undertake a research or study program in the United States, and is available in any field of academic study.
For a Postgraduate this may be accredited towards an Australian higher degree, or to enrol in a U.S. higher degree. The scholarship was originally established in cooperation with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) in 1993 and is now supported by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA).
As fitting with the Fulbright mission, the Fulbright Indigenous Scholarship was established to recognise Indigenous leaders’ commitment to achieving excellence, while seeking an international perspective and collaboration through their studies/research. The Fulbright Indigenous Scholarship is available across the following categories: Postgraduate, Postdoctoral, Professional and Senior Scholar.
Note: applicants applying for General and Indigenous Scholarships may be eligible to be considered for further additional scholarship opportunities.
Scholarship details
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
Be an Australian citizen (by birth or naturalisation);
Be of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent;
Not hold dual US-Australian citizenship OR U.S. permanent residency (Green Card);
Not have already commenced studies in the U.S.;
Be resident in Australia at the time of application – the only exceptions to this rule are for men and women serving overseas in the Armed Forces, or for Australian diplomats posted overseas;
Have completed an undergraduate degree or equivalent at the time of applying;
Be prepared to commence your program the following U.S. academic year (between July and the following June – e.g. apply in 2023 to start after July 2024:
Be prepared to return to Australia for the two years following your program;
Not already hold another scholarship for the period / project you plan to undertake on your Fulbright program (this may exclude for tuition fees);
Secure placement with a primary U.S. host institution (please note, this is not a requirement at the time of application for Postgraduate students).
How to Apply
Postgraduate applicants should download the POSTGRADUATE INFORMATION ATTACHMENT for postgraduate-specific information.
Further Information
Living, travel & establishment allowances for a program of 4-10 months duration;
ASPE medical insurance of up to A$100,000 (for the Scholar only);
National Orientation Program;
Enrichment Seminars in the United States with international Fulbright Scholars;
Distinguished professional network with U.S. and Australian Fulbright Alumni Associations;
A support agency in the U.S. that assists with visas, events, and networks;
Media and publicity support.
Scholarship Value:
Postgraduate Fulbright Scholarships are valued up to AUD$60,000 (1-2 years);
Postdoctoral Fulbright Scholarships are valued up to AUD$40,000 (4-10 months);
The value of Professional Fulbright Scholarships vary, see full description for details;
Fulbright Scholar Awards are valued up to AUD$32,000 (3-4 months).
Fulbright scholarships are contingent upon the candidate’s ability to secure and travel to the U.S. on an Exchange Visitor non-immigrant visa (J-1 visa) (administered and sponsored by the Commission) inclusive of medical clearance and security processes.