Griffith Business School’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) Scholarship for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples, is to assist current and...
Irene and David Davy Scholarship for Advancement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
This scholarship is open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander full and part-time students of the University of South Australia who are, or will be, entering their final year of an undergraduate or an Honours year.
Scholarship details
Application dates
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for this scholarship, you must:
– be Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander;
– be entering your final year of your undergraduate degree or Honours year at the University of South Australia;
– not have received this scholarship before
How to Apply
Your application will need to include a written statement, this needs to outline:
– describe any community service that you have undertaken or intend to undertake in the near future;
– describe your family heritage and your connection to community;
– name of current program and reasons for studying ti;
– academic achievements;
– future interests and intentions in your professional area after completion of your degree;
– reasons for applying to this scholarship.
You will be judged on your academic merit, a written statement, supporting statement from your Program Director/Coordinator or Honours Supervisor or Head of School and community service.
Please apply through the myScholarships portal.