A new generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders in cancer. The First Nations Cancer Scholarship Program is funded by the Australian Go...
Second Home Scholarship
Supported by the McCall Macbain Foundation and UniLodge Australia, the Second Home Scholarship supports and encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to complete their university education at Curtin University by covering their accommodation costs at one of the Curtin Perth on-campus UniLodge or St Catherine’s College accommodation residences.
Scholarship details
Application dates
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at https://scholarships.curtin.edu.au/Scholarship/?id=6456
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible to apply:
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander;
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander;
Commencing full-time in an eligible enabling course or undergraduate degree in the corresponding semester;
demonstrated financial hardship;
low socio-economic background;
reside in an eligible on-campus accommodation for the total duration that this scholarship is awarded for
Further Information
Scholarships will be awarded provided there are applicants considered to be of sufficient merit and need. The panel for the scholarship reserves the rights not to award the scholarships in any one year if no suitable applicant(s) can be found.