RPCA offers 50 complimentary full registrations to attend its three-day annual scientific conference, Pathology Update 2025. Applications are open to all stude...
Mediverse Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship provides financial support to a Fist Nations Australian student studying at Charles Darwin University.
Scholarship details
Application dates
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at https://stapps.cdu.edu.au/apex/f?p=1000%3A600
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for this scholarship you must:
– be enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing or the Bachelor of Midwifery;
– must be enrolled full-time for the duration of the scholarship and;
– must be a First Nations Australian.
How to Apply
Your written statement must address each of the selection criteria in order to rank in the selection process:
– demonstrate passion, ability and initiative in your approach to study and;
– provide a short biography that includes details of your background, reasons why are you applying for a scholarship, reasons for choosing your area of study and details of your future plans and ambitions.