Monash Indigenous Research Awards (MIRA) are provided by Monash University to support Indigenous Australian students undertaking Research Doctorate and Researc...
The APS Bursary of Financial Assistance for People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Descent (Bendi Lango bursary) was established by the Australian Psy...
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The ANU College of Business & Economics may award one scholarship to a student from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community who is applying for a...
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The Indigenous Law Student Program offers the successful candidate the unique opportunity to gain an insight into the Australian legal system. The Program provi...
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The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Indigenous Health Committee in conjunction with the Foundation for Surgery is offering up to three scholarships to as...
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Gavin Wanganeen is the first Aboriginal Australian to receive an AFL life membership for playing 300 official matches. He is also a premiership star, Brownlow ...
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The Rhodanthe Lipsett Indigenous Midwifery Charitable Fund provides a number of scholarships each year to support and encourage Aboriginal or Torres Strait Isl...
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The Professor Michael Kidd AM Scholarship has been established in perpetuity to support the retention and successful graduation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait ...
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The Professor Ross Kalucy Indigenous Well-Being Scholarship was established in 2012. The scholarship is intended to support the retention and successful graduat...
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A generous donation from Flinders University graduate Erica Jolly, a Companion of the University, has enabled the establishment of the Erica Jolly Indigenous Bu...
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A generous donation by Ms Fij Miller has enabled the establishment of the Fij Miller Indigenous Bursary. This bursary has been established to encourage Aborigin...
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The Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) offers two different scholarships for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students completing a Paramedic undergrad...
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The Veterans’ Fund Indigenous Scholarships support Native American, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian, Indigenous Australian and Torres Strait Islander post 9/...
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The Graduate Education Indigenous Scholarships support Native American, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian, Indigenous Australian and Torres Strait Islander indiv...
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The American-Australian Arts Fund (AAAF) provides support of up to US $10,000 to emerging Native American, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian, Indigenous Australi...
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These scholarships include a living stipend to support you as you complete a research project for your Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Philosophy or research-f...
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The ECU Vice Chancellor’s Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Scholarship was established to provide financial support for Aboriginal and/or Torres S...
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The Fiona Lavelle and Tinesh Tamilkodi Memorial Scholarship is generously supported by St John WA. One scholarship valued at $20,000 will be open to applicatio...