
The most rewarding aspect was the encouragement and help given from the staff at CDNTS to learn as much as I could about the Western Desert Aboriginal culture and history, as well as native title Law itself. This allowed me to learn far above what I expected to during the experience in many areas that would not get touched on through University. Further, to take part in the Nangaanya-ku Claimants Meeting was extremely rewarding to get a first-hand experience of how a native title claim progresses, to witness how native title can impact a group, and to learn of new sustainable ideas about the management of future claimed land. The best aspects are the practical learning of native title law and Aboriginal customs within specific areas. Having only scratched the surface of native title law at University, it gives a law student a much deeper dive into the legislation and it’s effect. Using the practical experience, it gave myself a much greater understanding of the importance native title law plays in securing and promoting the Aboriginal customs of the Western Deserts.

Indigenous Corporations
Society and Culture (Social Science)
Society and Culture (Legal)
Host org:
Central Desert Native Title Services (Central Desert)