
I got to learn more about Indigenous affairs and how Indigenous people are effected by colonial actions and laws, which continue into the present legal frameworks. The Australian government in my view, have not progressed in terms of recognising the legal rights and just actions to improve the lives of people generally. It is still very much an “us and them” framework that effects native title, land rights, sovereignty, and land ownership. More needs to be done to reconcile the past and to enact international Indigenous laws and to recognise the first people’s of Australia and to give them something in return for centuries of neglect and locking people out of their lands by Australian laws. If I could be harsh and direct, it is a disgrace! The Australian legal system and the High Court of Australia need to do more to direct government to impart recognition of Indigenous people’s and the importance of their culture. A lot more needs to be done and politicians and decision-makers need to listen to our Indigenous leaders to find a way forward for the future.

Finance/ Commerce
Society and Culture (Legal)
Society and Culture (Social Science)
Management and Commerce
Host org:
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR)