Aurora’s UK Study Tour is now open for applications. This is a unique opportunity for Indigenous students and professionals considering postgraduate stud...
General Sir John Monash Scholarship
The John Monash Scholarships are not limited by age, gender, academic field of study or choice of overseas university.
The first group of John Monash Scholars was selected in 2004, since then the alumni has grown to 215 Scholars and the John Monash Scholarship has become one of Australia’s most important postgraduate scholarship programmes. The Foundation and Scholarships are proudly supported by the Australian Government, private sector organisations, universities and individuals.
Scholarship details
How to apply
Externally managed. Apply at
Eligibility Criteria
Be an Australian Citizen;
Have completed or be about to complete a full degree from an Australian University, and;
Be planning to undertake postgraduate study at an overseas university commencing in the calendar year following the year of application and selection; it is not necessary to have already been accepted to the institution at the time of applying.
The Scholarships support any postgraduate degree overseas however the Applicant must be able to argue the merits of the chosen course and institution. The Foundation encourages applicants to explore where dynamic, innovative work is being done in their field.
The General Sir John Monash Foundation always seeks applicants who intend to study in a broad range of areas across medicine, science, engineering, business, law, humanities and all aspects of the arts – including music, literature, performance and fine art.
Commencement of Studies
The Scholarships are granted for the commencement of a study programme in the calendar year following the year of application and selection. To be eligible for the John Monash Scholarship you must plan on undertaking your postgraduate degree the year after application and selection. E.g. an applicant submitting an application in the 2024 calendar year, must be planning on commencing their studies in the 2025 calendar year (at any stage).
Further Information
The following world class universities offer partial fee waivers to John Monash Scholars, in addition to their Scholarship stipend:
Kings College London (KCL) is a leading teaching and research university based in the heart of London with a wide range of courses.
Cranfield University, UK offers a top MBA program and a range of Masters programs with a strength in defence and engineering
IE University in Madrid has a world-class business school, and offers outstanding Masters programs in law, human sciences and technology and architecture and design, all taught in English.
In awarding John Monash Scholarships, factors considered include:
Excellence – This may been evidenced through a university degree obtained with outstanding results, but can also be demonstrated through prizes, awards, publications, performance, exhibitions, enterprises and excellence in professional endeavours;
Leadership – Candidates should demonstrate leadership experience or potential in the field of study, professional environment and/or the community.
Relevance of proposed study – Specific, well-developed case for support for the candidate’s study at the best overseas university in their field. It is not necessary to have been accepted at the institution at the time of applying for the Scholarship;
Proposed career pathway that evidences ability to contribute to Australia– Candidates must present a career trajectory, addressing how they will contribute to and benefit Australia.