Without Aurora, I wouldn’t have pursued university as a possible future direction ...it was never something that seemed likely coming from a rural high school. In each of these programs at Aurora, I’ve always been well supported and connected. with a strong network of First Nations peers and Mentors who have continued to inspire me and hold me accountable to community
High School Program Participant
The meeting that occurred with students and parents was informative and a proud moment for us all as our kids endeavour on a new initiative, laying the foundations for choices in their future. The cultural perspective is important for me as a single mum raising boys.
Parent of a High School Program Participant

Support plan

Academic and Wellbeing Support Plans cover a range of support to ensure students can stay engaged in their learning and include tutoring, practical support, health and wellbeing support and other support such as for extracurricular activities.

We engage with students and their families at the recruitment phase, where Program staff meet with students and their parents, carers and families in person. Once in the program, we then engage students and their families to deepen school engagement, improve wellbeing and strengthen cultural identity. The Academic and Wellbeing Support Plan is then tailored to the needs of each individual student. It is reviewed regularly as part of an ongoing partnership with parents, carers and families.

What we offer


We provide 1:1 academic tutoring through established and long standing partnerships with tutoring providers to deliver face-to-face and online tutoring support. 

Education and learning support

We provide school support for students, including 

  • Laptops and tablets, WIFI devices and monthly data allowance 
  • School booklist and study furniture 
  • School uniforms, shoes, and subject specific items 

Health and wellbeing support

The health and wellbeing of our students is of utmost importance. We support our students through mental health supports, learning aids and assistive technology including prescription glasses and hearing aids and learning needs diagnostics. 

Other support

We provide support for our students to participate in activities or events to strengthen connection to culture and community, for example language lessons, weaving and digeridoo workshops and on-Country events. 
We also support students with their extracurricular activities, for example sporting club fees, music lessons, STEM activities.