Chloe D’Souza, Roberta Sykes and AAA Scholar
Chloe D'Souza, Roberta Sykes and AAA Scholar
We provide several programs to open pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and executives to further their academic excellence through The Study Tour, The Scholarship Program and Executive Education Scholarships. Aurora Scholars are trailblazing new pathways for Indigenous students and guiding the paths for the next generation.
The Study Tour is run as two separate multi-week academic visits to some of the world’s best universities including Columbia, Harvard, and New York University in the US, and Cambridge, London School of Economics and Oxford in the UK. The aim of the Study Tour is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to build networks of support and gain an understanding of their options and pathways for success at leading overseas universities.
We remove financial obstacles to overseas and domestic study by connecting students with scholarships, including the Charlie Perkins Scholarship and the Roberta Sykes Scholarships.
We support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander managers, entrepreneurs and leaders to attend executive education programs at some of the world’s best institutions, including Harvard Business School, Harvard Kennedy School and INSEAD.
Indigenous students must be undertaking full-time postgraduate study or research in a cancer-related field in health, research or policy.
The Study Tour, Charlie Perkins Scholarship and the Roberta Sykes Scholarship are aimed at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scholars who are interested in postgraduate study overseas.